96% Construction deaths caused by Work at Height

10 fewer construction operatives were killed whilst at work between April 2021 and March 2022 than in the previous annual period, a 25% reduction.

Despite the reduction, the construction death rate last year was the highest of any industrial sector.

Of those killed in construction 64% were employed and 36% were self employed. This is why getting working at height right is so important as it is one of the most dangerous site activities if the correct control measures are not in place.

Ensuring the correct equipment is used for each task, having all employees adequately trained, having weekly inspections on scaffolds, checking that ground conditions are inspected prior to use, ensuring rescue plans are in place, having adequate edge protection, considering the use of crash decks and ensuring toe boards are in place are just a few of the control measures that should be in place to help prevent accidents while working from height. Many of the heaviest fines are issued in the wake of working at height accidents.

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